Monday 12 October 2015

First Look 2015:

So last Saturday, October 10th, I was at First Look 2015 in Utrecht, The Netherlands.

Was there with a group of friends, who were also mostly my clan members too. Right away, when entering the hall, we got handed a door hanger.
Do Not Disturb. ;)
First we went to the GameMania booth to get my goodie-carrying-bag for the day. Because things like First Look mean that you're not gonna return home empty handed.

WG Booth

After that we went directly to the WarGaming stand where we could play some World Of Warships, or some World Of Tanks on the Xbox 360/One. (Wasn't sure which of the two...)
The stand was pretty cool: A large truck with some sandbags and tank traps surrounding it, screens showing WoWs, tables with 5 pc's against each side of the truck. Above the PC's was a little tent-like roof and a camo net surrounding it.
There were even more PC's with WoWs running INSIDE the truck, and two screens at the rear of the truck with World Of Tanks running on Xbox 360 or One.
The line was long and boring, until we got to talk with a few people who were interested in joining our clan. Even though my second in command did most of the talking, since I mostly just look at which way the wind if blowing before I decide to start a conversation with a person I don't know.
However, after standing in line for a bit, I eventually got to talk with a few people infront of me in line, and they seemed pretty new to the WG games, so I was happy to share them my experiences.

So then after waiting and waiting, we finally got to sit down infront of the PC's to play some World Of Warships. (Note that I already have played WoWs at home enough times) And one of WG's staff told us our goal for a WG Goodiebag was to make a single kill.
BUT!!! We only had 15 minutes to do so...
Which put quite some stress on me, since I MUST have that goodie bag!

Trying To Make That One Kill

Knowing that I had a limited time, and did not want to stand in line over again to try again, I decided to pick a lower tier ship, since that's where the less-skilled players are.
Grabbed the St. Louis, even though I prefer Destroyers, the St. Louis seemed like an ideal ship to quickly make at least one kill, since it has tons of guns.

As slow as the ship went, I quickly got bombarded by multiple enemies, as the only targets I was dealing real damage to were sailing behind islands, forcing me to switch to new full HP targets.
Obviously I was rushing too hard, but I had no time to fight an entire long battle, since a battel without kills would be pretty useless to me.

Soon enough, I got shot on fire, extenguished and repaired as instant fire came back and I was a sinking wreck in no time.
After that, I instantly got back to my garage and grabbed the trusty Destroyers... Though preferring the Japanese Destroyers, I weridly enough could not find them. Most likely because they were on the right end of the garage, whilst I was thinking all ships of all countries would be sorted by tier... So I ended up choosing the Clemson.
Not a lot happened before I got even close enough to fire a single effective torpedo.. And soon enough I, again, ended up in a sinking wreck...

Not much time was left, as I was wasting my time hoping my fired torpedos would still make a kill after my death, but no success... So after my torpedos disappeared I instantly went back to choose a new ship. This time: The Wickes. (Note that I had to manually upgrade every ship first, as all ships and modules were researched, but not mounted)

I got on the same map again (Can't really remember which one) but I decided to go to the western end with some small islands, since that's where I saw the enemy destroyers were heading to in my last match...
So quickly enough, I encounter an enemy destroyer and head into battle against it. The enemy quickly got behind an island, so I went to the left, following him to meet him on the other side of the island as I started taking a few shots from other random enemies.
I aimed my torpedos as the enemy destroyer got spotted, unloaded everything I had as I was dodging his torpedos. Eventually my first salvo missed, but the second salvo had a single torpedo hit in his hull.
This was pretty much the exciting moment where we started to circle eachother just spamming shells at eachother... Shot after shot after shot, and boom! Managed to kill him just before I got destroyed by another random ship...!

WG Goodiebag

After that, I pretty much stayed in battle, and only a few seconds of being destroyed, a WG staff member came to us and told us the time was up. So I quickly pointed out to him showing that I made a kill in battle, and he confirmed it, giving me a bonus code card that I had to turn in for a goodie bag behind the seats.

So I stood up and walked up to the kind female WG Staff member and turned in the bonus code card. She kindly asked my shirt size and handed me over a nice goodiebag filled with... Well... Goodies!
WG Goodie Bag
Back side
Code cards!
Same ones from the back side.
T2 Light invite code, Aurora Bonus Code with tons of flags and Chi-Nu Kai Bonus Code.
Sixth Sense Key Chain
Close Up. Hard to see, but it says "Sixth Sense"
After receiving the goodie bag, me and some of my friends got the chance to chat a bit with Ectar, who recognized the WG T-Shirts from last year that me and a friend of mine were wearing, together with the WG Bottle Opener we also got last year.
When leaving the WG stand, another staff member kindly thanked us for trying out their game.

After WG

Right away, we stumbled upon a Nintendo stand where they gave away Pokemon gift codes. So I quickly walked up to the stand, no line at all, and got this card handed over to me:
Don't worry, I already used the code. ;)

Very happy to finally have gotten my own Hoopa, as I really like it's sneaky looks.

Looking at a lot more stands, there weren't a lot of things that interested me a lot, since I didn't get to see any stands showing off Fallout 4, even though I saw some Bethesda stuff... Like this mask that got handed over to us near the entrance.

Very cool, but somewhat creepy looking... ;)
There were some more PC's where Rocket League was being played, a game I've heard about, but have yet to try out. Which I am planning on doing very soon.
Near those PC's was a platform with two teams playing League Of Legends against eachother with live commentary. After the match there were tons of goodies thrown into the audience.
Key cords, a cool key chain and packs of mints. lol
Pretty cool key chain.
Other side, done very nicely.
Caught a T-Shirt too!
Back Side

Time For A Break

After the goodie catching, we went for a snack. Bought a hamburger, which were a bit expensive, which should be expected, however, the meat was suprisingly made from fresh ground meat, instead of your typical cheap burger meat you mostly see at festivals and stuff. So a big 1+ to that.
I'm willing to pay extra if the quality of the food is better than what you'd normally see, so I'm very happy about this.

After The Break

I decided to check out some of the merch stands, but didn't see much that interested me personally. Maybe a big Stormtrooper helmet lamp, but meh, prices weren't cheap either.
We checked out some more of the other parts we've walked past before to see if there was anything interesting we've missed, and we saw this little lottery thingy we had to stand in line for. It was at a Playstation stand. You basically pressed a button and did a slot machine thingie on screen with the four icons you have on a Playstation controller. Depending on the combination you could win stuff.
Sadly enough I only got a discount card, which I'm probably not going to use anyway.

My Complaint

The day was fun, apart from one single thing that ruined my mood and made me want to punch someone in the face.
You see, at the big stage, there was a presenter hosting a Fallout quiz. (Note, this presenter was most likely not from Bethesda since he was speaking Dutch)
He wanted 3 voulenteers to get on stage to take part in the quiz.
Me as a Fallout fan, raising my hand for a chance to get on that stage.
I caught the attention of presenter, however, instead of calling me on stage, he said something in the line of "No, not you, you're Los Santos" referring to the GTA V hat I was wearing.
My Hat
I was already pissed off because I got rejected to get on stage because of what's on my hat.
This act of treatment is also known as DISCRIMINATION.
So out of curiosity I stayed near the stage to see what the quiz questions were. And without any suprise, they were super easy multiple choice questions.
And guess what? I managed to answer more questions correctly than one of the guys that took part in the quiz on stage. Unbelievable! I literally knew the answer of every question, apart from one. However, every person in the quiz had at least one wrong answer, and another guy had like 2 or 3 wrong answers.
This pissed me off greatly. I understand not everyone can be lucky to be chosen, but I HAD the presenter's attention, but he decided to discriminate me because of my hat and reject me on stage. That's something whole different.
Not even mentioning that this guy assumed I didn't know anything about Fallout. Why the hell would I put my hand in the air!?!?!? I'm like the biggest Fallout fanboy in my entire clan!!

I can't believe they let people host something like this on stage that just discriminates it's clients.
It's a game festival, we are gamers, we play multiple games. The fact that I have a GTA V hat doesn't mean I don't also play Fallout. Heck, I even pre-ordered Fallout 4 Pip Boy edition, But no, according to logics of this disciminating presenter on stage, I play GTA V and thus don't know anything about Fallout.

I will try if I can do something about this, because I think this is unacceptable to happen, especially at something this big being hosted.

Final Thoughts

Apart from the complaint I have, the rest of the day was pretty awesome, lot's of awesome people and games, awesome cosplayers, nice staff, apart from the presentors on stage. (I'm not even gonna start about the pity way of how they made fools out of many people that came on stage, just because they have a mic in their hand)
The food was also good, even though I only had one hamburger, but i'll take the benefit of the doubt.

All in all, a great day with my great friends, seeing some great games and getting some great goodies.