Friday 18 March 2016

Doom: Hell On Earth Start Pack

The Hell On Earth Starter Pack is created by Sergeant_Mark_IV.

The following is a series of screenshots, gifs and text with opinions and comments on the maps.
Basically to give an Impression/Opinion/Review/WhateverYouDecide

MAP01: Hangar

Wow! What a great remake of E1M1! There's a ton of them out there, but this one really takes the cake! There's even a cool part where a couple of imps ambush you by jumping out of a couple of windows! I didn't know how to get to the outside area though, and there were 4 secrets I didn't get to find. Very well hidden. Over all, the design us just purely amazing, I cannot stress that out enough. The amount of detail that goes into these maps is the highest I have ever seen in any Doom maps.
The elevator at the exit reminds me a lot of Quake 2 btw. :)

MAP02: Nukage Processing

When I speak of a "remake" I mostly mean to make an existing map over again, with improvements. This however, is a new map, "Nukage Processing", all from scratch, without even really looking like the normal E1M2. The envoirment is just amazing, and the non-linear level design is just as superb.
The xploration is awesome as well, I just keep heading back, thinking I missed some parts, finding new places in the map every now and then. Loving it.

MAP03: Water Treatment Plant

A nice little map, still having the classic Doom feel. Not as many open areas in this map, but a very nice elevator at the end, with tons of enemies, and a very nice exit switch.

MAP04: Communications Center

Some Hellknights and even Barons await here! Also finally managed to get myself the chainsaw, and the map was nice enough to give me some Demons to test it on, hehe. As the name suggests, the map is basically an office building, and apperantly has a Rocket Launcher up for grabs as well. ;)

There's also some

 Not all of the map are just office rooms though!

MAP05: Marine HQ

This map is as the name states, an HQ for the marines. And it's made very well, with a lot of detail and specific kind of rooms what you would expect in an HQ. From meeting rooms, to barracks and showers, to even a room dedicated for relaxation and fun.
The last part of the map was pretty hard, and a bit confusing where I had to go to, but managed in the end.

MAP06: Nuclear Power Plant

A nice big power plant map. Oh how fitting. This one felt a big longer than most maps on this wad so far, not in a bad way or anything. Just had to look at my map carefully to see where the right doors were. Oh, and the music! Descent Into Cerberon from Quake II!

An epic view in the middle of a big power plant area!

MAP07: Staging Area

Basically a map in the style of Level 7: Dead Simple of Doom II.
Pretty trciky, since there wasn't really any cover against the Mancubi. But running around in circles seemed to do the trick for me. After that, I had some trouble getting in a safe spot in one of the new rooms where the Arachnotrons were waiting, but eventually, I managed.

MAP08: Lab Complex Entrance

This map feels a lot more deserted and torn apart. Your task here is to collect all the keys around the map to open up the exit, and there's tons of hellspawn guarding them. Loved the area with the lava pits. I assume it was some kind of foundry.
I didn't get why there were 2 yellow keycards on this map though.

MAP09: Bio Labs

A map with lots of trapped enemies, either in a cage prison, or inside a water tube for some experimentation. I can't really describe how fun these maps are to play. It just keeps this non-linear design up top notch. I can't explain it with words.

MAP10: Portal Testing Labs

This was the first linear map, which I think was done on purpose, since you quickly needed to reach the portal back to earth according to the plot. You actually start off with a bunch of AI Marine bots that will help (or hinder) you. They do help dealing out some damage, and distract some enemies, but in the end, they kinda got in the way when I was shooting at enemies. They all died quickly enough though. So eventually I got to the portal, and had to fight two giant bosses, which was a very tough fight, considering there was not a lot of strafing room, and the enemy projectiles exploded against the wall, dealing massive splash damage if I was close by. A hard ending, but eventually managed. Got a lot easier when I killed one of the two bosses. Which was hard already, since prioritizing enemies was also very hard in a little room where you basically keep running circles.

MAP11: Return To Earth

We're back on Earth! Located in a forest/swamp-ish area close to L.A.
The map doesn't look special from top view, but holy shit does this look good. The amount of detail is astounding. The start is very quiet, until at a certain point when there's enemies everywhere. A nice build up of thrill. There's also lots to explore, nice awards await.

MAP12: Depot

The starting area still consits a bit of the forest-ish area. But after getting to the depot, you mainly get to play in an area full of boxes, and a highway tunnel, where eventually a Cyberdemon will be encountered. Nice variety, that's for sure!

MAP13: Industrial District

WOW! Just WOW...!
What an amazing, GIGANTIC map!!! The exploration was amazing, so was the length and variety. There's jets flying over the map, helicopter sounds in the distance. A lot of atmosphere. Definately my favorite map so far! After spending a ton of time on one part of the map, after finishing most of it, you still have another part of the map where you have to go at the end, meeting up with a group of marines, having a big clash with an army of hellspawn. After that, you meet up at a place where civilians are being kept safe by the marines. Got a lot of pictures of this one, but not enough to show every glimpse of awesomeness of this map.

MAP14: Warzone

You get in the attack with a group of marines. A lot more open space, so the marines actually come in pretty handy and aren't really in the way a lot. Some of them survived quite long. There's a ton of exploration on the balconies of buildings, including some nifty secrets. Often too many balconies (not in a bad way) to explore, since I was going the wrong way the whole time, being a bit confused where to go. Eventually I found out. Eventually you'll encounter a Cyberdemon, but he will get his ass bombarded by a jet, which is a nice sight. It's impressive to see some scripted action like that in Doom. And I'm glad these scripted events are placed here and there, but aren't spammed around everywhere like in modern games. Great kudos to that.

MAP15: Twisted Neighborhood

A nice town map with tons of buildings to explore. Lots of enemies in the open, a Cyberdemon, Spider Mastermind, and tons of others! Loved how pretty much any building was accessible and very detailed from the inside. Only down side was the massive FPS loss I got during certain angles in the map, and mainly a lower FPS experience. But it is worth it for such awesome map design.

Destroying these gave me health!

MAP16: Dead Streets

Took me long enough to finish this.. Mainly cause it's confusing as hell to find out where to go. Thank god for the map to be able to help a bit.
The map has like 3 Cyberdemons and a Spider Mastermind, plenty of stuff to kill you. Still didn't find a BFG to help me. :(
Also, secret exit, so yeah, had to do some hardcore searching, but managed! Framerate is still a little issue, but it isn't a big problem like in Map 15.

MAP31: Los Angeles Holocaust

Well what do we have here? Everyone should recognice this map... E1L1: Hollywood Holocaust from Duke Nukem 3D! What a beautiful remake! And for me personally, a true nostalgia trip. Great job Sarge.

MAP32: Wolfenstein

Wolfenstein? Yes! Wolfenstein! Another secret map! But from the game Return To Castle Wolfenstein. (Correct me if I'm wrong, haven't played that game in a long time, but as far as I can remember, it's from that game)

 Sweetnesses! ~BigMacDavis

A Pair of Panther tanks!

Also found a secret weapon in the Wolfenstein map...

MAP17: Final Destination

A fun subway map. Very linear, though going with the subway is linear. Some very cool scripting going on with the subway train starting to ride as you enter, and having to stop the subway train, cool stuff like that.

MAP18: Eye Of The Storm

Another city map, but not as open as the previous ones. A lot more inside areas, and a shopping mall where you can have a Cyberdemon and Spider Mastermind infight.
At the end you'll meet a boss you'll need to kill. He's pretty tough, not too hard though. Make sure to strafe enough.

At the mall! 

The creepy boss dude.

MAP19: Push

You enter hell with a bigass marine army. Marines, check. Tanks, check. Jets, check. Let's kick hell's ass. This is chaos at it's best, and pretty much no framerate loss, which is amazing.

MAP20: The Tower

You ascend into a huge ass demonic tower. What awaits, is a giant Cyberdemon, bigger than any other. Be prepared to run in circles. It's not that hard, just don't get too close or else you're toast, literally. After the battle, a giant gate opens, and a horde of Demons, Imps and Cacodemons come for you. Plenty of infighting happening between the Demons and Imps, nice little chaotic fun.
Cross the bridge after that, and you're done.

MAP21: At Hell's Gate

Very cool map, you enter a small demonic castle-ish area, with some prisons inside.

These bridge are nicely destructable. 

MAP22: Blood Swamp

Well it's a swamp... With blood.. A Blood swamp. Yes, that's what it is. Didn't know hell had swamps.. Maybe because of all the blood of the victims of hell gathered in this one place and made a swamp of blood. Yes, that's probably it.

 (I actually didn't make any pics of the swamp area O.o)

MAP23: Stronghold

An impressive castle-like stronghold map, that looks pretty small on the outside, but is pretty detailed and explorabe on the inside. Very fun, and not confusing at all to find a place that leads to further progression. Just one fault was that I found a secret door that lead to a blue skull door, which I didn't have the key of yet, resulting in the secret passage closing behind me, and me being stuck between a blue skull door and a secret area door that could only be activated with a switch from the outside.

MAP24: Dis

This map looks very great and has very impressive looking areas. It's a pretty short map if you know where to go. Spent the longest time figuring out where to go some of the times. Just some oversights that were kinda my own fault. But aesthetically it just looks amazing!

MAP25: House Of The Hell Nobles

It's a house. It has Demons. You need to kill them.
Over all, a great variety of areas which were very fun to play in. From outdoor areas, to hallways with prisons, and some sewer kind of area. This map has it all.
Oh, and there's also a big room full of demons, and a big room full of demons. (Except the second room has bigger ones)

MAP26: Necropolis

A very atmospheric map. Cause what can give you more atmosphere than the dead?
Basically a tomb map. And tombs always remind me of the prologue of the game Return To Castle Wolfenstein. Also, first time seeing water you can dive underneath. Be aware of a fight in a pretty crampy area with a Cyberdemon. Hope you have a Hell Rifle...

MAP 27: Cathedral

Right off the bat, the starting area greatly reminds me of E3M5: Unholy Cathedral of Doom. Probably made in the same style on purpose, since the name is almost the same too.
This map actually has a lot of outside areas that were pretty cool.
There's also this big room with a big trap full of Barons and Hellknights.. Very hard time getting past that part.
At the end there's 2 Arch-Viles, as if you weren't low HP already after fighting the Barons and Hellknights.

MAP28: Sacrificial Grounds

This map is downright creepy. It really shows the brutal horrors the demons are giving the captured marines. The atmosphere, sounds and design really just shows you the deep places of hell. This is the definition of hell.

MAP29: Bloodfalls

Pretty much what the name suggests. It's a pretty short map, but has plenty of enemies. Hard to get lost on this map, but it was fun.
Haven't seen any big Cyberdemons in a while... Got a feeling that's about to change...

MAP30: Devil's Domain

At the end, at last!
A "Icon of Sin" style map, but with a way cooler and tougher enemy boss to fight against...

What a great series of maps!
That's all I can say.
Awesome level design, an actual pretty detailed story and a realistic feel. From the bases of the start, to the crumbling L.A to the depths of hell, this really feels more believable than ever!
The music is awesome, the background sounds and music as well. A lot of creepy sounds used from Doom 64 to add that extra atmosphere. Tons of custom textures and sprites. Enemies, and even the MG42 that was added extra.. Too bad I didn't use it that much, since it's ammo was limited. Was mostly saving it for the last map, but forgot about it and got carried away with the Black Hole Generator, BFG and Rocket Launcher.

If you want your hands on this mod, then go ahead and download it here.

Please note that I used a lot of other different mods to add some other ingame stuff. Mainly Project Brutality.